Naturally Dreamy

A blog about my life as an INFP living with an ESFJ, INTJ, and my pup. I blog about earth-friendly living and life through my eyes – not necessarily in that order. Come put your feet up where life is Naturally Dreamy!

Clean Chocolate Frosting


Just a short post today! 🙂

(It was short — then I decided to try my hand at tutorial photography, video to gif editing… and welll.. I spent a few hours on it, lol! And I’m totally sure it wasn’t worth it, sorry!)

But hey, the recipe is solid. 🙂

This was one of the first posts I posted. But now I am finally reposting it!

I inter-met (lol, internet + met) a few bloggers after publishing it. Then – being such a newbie – I deleted my post.

I had no idea what I was doing.

I was trying a paleo diet. And I really wanted some chocolate. I wondered if there was a way I could get some chocolate, but totally paleo. And clean. And not spark a hypoglycemic episode. Hmmm…

This recipe satisfied all of it! (Depending on what you consider paleo).

And it can be good for several different ways of eating:

  • Vegetarian
  • Clean
  • Paleo
  • Sugar-issue people

And it’s rather inexpensive to make (a bonus for me!)!

I actually based this recipe on frosting recipes: Where the butter/sugar amounts are equal and you go from there. But, I use it in substitute of having chocolate chips or a chocolate bar to eat. Good for both topping baked goods, and, well, just eating.

1 bowl, too!

Clean Chocolate Frosting!

  • Butter (i.e. 1 tsp/5ml)
  • Honey (i.e. 1 tsp/5ml
  • Cocoa (i.e. 2 tsp/10ml)
  • Add-ins opt.: almonds, etc…
  1. In small glass bowl, put a pat of butter, and squirt in an equal amount of honey.
  2. Stir/mash the two together.
  3. Add in an amount of cocoa = to the butter+honey. It gets quite thick, but it will smoothe out.
  4. That’s it! Enjoy! Can be stored in the fridge for whenever you want to eat it. I’m not sure how long it will keep, but I think I’ve had it at least a week and be fine.

If I’m worried about getting shaky, that day, I add a few almonds to it. (It’s really good this way!) 🙂

It’d been so long since I made it, I wanted to make sure I had the right ratios and everything, and so I decided to try it before I posted it.

I thought, while I’m at it, it’d probably be a good idea to get some pictures in-action, since I don’t have any solid measurements.

It had all the baking snafu’s that I seem to run into every time I cook. 🙂

I forgot I used all my butter to make the brownies, so I borrowed some. (Thus the VERY small batch.) Just fyi: Land o’ Lakes supports GMO’s, which I don’t hold against them, but I don’t usually use Land o’ Lakes because I do not think GMO’s are a good idea.

But, it was the only butter in the house, so I used a bit of it. Thanks roommate!

So, it made the consistency a bit off (versus using non-spreadable stick butter), but it still turned out well. And then my camera battery (it’s so old, the poor thing) was about dead, so I had to give it a couple bursts of charge between times. But I got it all on camera!

So here are the pictures of how to make ze frosting:


Pat of butter

Honey pour

Equal amount of honey…

All the ingredients

All the ingredients, and the full amount of honey. (I added another drop at the end, because I wanted it sweeter, so it’s totally customizable.)

Cocoa 1

First spoonful of cocoa

Cocoa 2

And a second spoonful of cocoa to make the cocoa amount = butter + honey

Mix it in the mixer

It starts to get a bit thick

Then there was the time that I realized that the consistency is important to show, and a picture… well it’s dark brown, and dark brown doesn’t photograph well.

But if I tried to stir it one-handed, it was too-thick, and just made the bowl go ’round & round.

So, I put the butter container on the cocoa, and balanced the camera on the stack and clicked record.

Then, with a gasp, it came crashing down. It was just tall enough that my camera didn’t fall into the frosting, thank God!

So that’s it!

I hope you have a great Friday!! And a great weekend!

Author: Arctic Hare!

I write Naturally Dreamy and have a lot of fun with that!

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